
Gold Medal - $1000+

Pacific Rim Arab-Horse Assoc.
Brenda Slick
Sandi and Fred Gendreau Sr.
Cathy Greenland
Steeler, Inc.

Silver Medal - $500+

Greater Pierce County Community Network
Mutual of Enumclaw
Nau Insurance
Gary and Nancy Long
Shireland Farm
Margaret Eby

Bronze Medal - $500+

Lions Club of Spanaway

Blue Ribbon - $100+

Griffin Place
Parkside Realty
Harriette Guenther
Diane Harris
Margaret McKinney

Our Friends - $50+

Suzanne L. Janisse

In-kind donations

Corliss Resources, RFP Forest Products, Evergreen Equine Clinic, Vickie Forster, Margaret Eby, Mickie Hucke, The Boeing Company, Linda Schermerhorn, Mr. Rodney T. McLean, Shirley Coffee